วันพุธที่ 6 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 1


         This day, It was the first period of Computer Application in Enlish Technology subject.Teacher  explained the course syllabus and she asked me for the importances of technology in Language teaching.Teacher gave abbreviations that I used in this subject such as ESOL,TESOL,ELL,PDF,ESL,EFL,and ELT.Technology in English Teaching such as tape recoders,Language laboratories,video,CALL (CD ROMs),and TELL(internet and web-based tools).I learned the role of technology  for language teaching.For instance,
organizer,instructional designer,material resource manager,instructional guide,and facilitator. There are vocabularies such as techie which meant a person who is expert in or enthusiastic about technology, especially computing.Technophobe which meant a person who fears, dislikes, or avoids new technology. Tech-savvy which meant proficient in the use of technology, especially computers.Then, I learned how to make weblog but I had to registered gmail first. The teacher  taught  about  blog’s meaning and I searched   free template for using in blog. I also learned acronyms.

