วันอังคารที่ 30 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 8

                   This week, I open the files of CAI(Computer Assisted Instruction) and CALL(Computer-assisted  Language Learning) in Facebook to discuss it.How differences between them.CAI and CALL ,have something in common that teachers can make for product for students;
- They are multimedia.
- I can add pictures.graph media, videos, sounds in these programs.
                  Their purposes 
- To attraction, draw the students to attention
- When the students do computers, they can feedback.
- When teacher compare their scores , teacher can consider their learning ,too.

- This learning will match students to do process of different abilities.

I also learn about seven types of CAI

1. Tutorial instruction 
         is the program that gave the content to students in text, picture, audio, and all of them. 
2. Drills and practice
         is the program that had only questions or problems to the students to solve them.
3. Simulation 
          is the program that simulate situation from the truth to practice skills to the students.
4. Instructional games 
          is the program that encourage students to learn the lesson.
5. Discovery 
           is the program that wanted students learned from their experience.
6. Problem-solving
           is the program that wanted students to think and decide to do something.

7. Tests
           is  the method that test the student's abilities.

I know the advantages or good points  of CAI.
 - To make the students interested in the lesson
 - Immediately feedback
 - freedom to experiment with different options
 - Students can learn wherever.
 - Helps teacher can devote more time to individual students

Finally, there are some bad points of CAI;
- Teachers have to plan the lesson
- Take for long time to make the program
- Some point of this program doesn't creative for the students.

วันอังคารที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 7

             Today, I discuss for pair work,Thai-English Parallel that teacher assigns for us.Than, I watch video about technologies.For example.the student study with computer, blogger, google search, and video conference.I learn technology in globalization period, technologies are good things and bad things.Then, I have to know how to manage and use them.Then, teacher teaches about the important and history of CAI and CALL.I learn the advantages of CALL , it help the students to use and they apply the story. Teacher suggest me to survey the student who has problems in language learning.After that, I collect the content from search and I begin to design it.Teacher teaches me how to make the storyboard, adding the text, adding multimedia, giving the objects,and other parts of CAI.
- collecting the datas to make CAI
- title, texts
- background
- adding voice or audio
- creating pretest, exercises,and post-test

   Especially, the numbers of frames or content should appropriate in my title. 

วันอังคารที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 6

          Today, teacher teaches me how to check the number of words from Corpus Analysis,  Antconc in my topic,sport. 
          I  know frequency of words, function word,etc. I see "x" in function word, means file changing from other file.I learn content word and function word from my data that I search from the internet.Content word in this Corpus analysis give meanings of word and it is different with function word that have function in that sentence. Function words , for example, a, an, the, in, on, into, in front of, to,etc.I also learn how to find concordance by the key word, terminalogies, and collocation.I also change the word to see how the word appears in sentence.It is easy if I search for noun , verb,or another part of speech of words.If I put * ,the word will appear for many types of word.For instance, race, races,raced, racer.In addition, I learn local grammar in corpus by I copy the sentence to check the grammartical. I want to know how many frequency of the word in my corpus and then I click on frequency so the number of the word "sport " that I find is about 613 concordance Hits.The word "sports" is about 213 concordance Hits.After that , I learn about the style in my corpus that using in V.ing, gerunds, to infinitive ,  personification, similie, Finally, I learn types of Corpara as translation resources and English-Thai Parallel Concordance.

วันอังคารที่ 2 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 5

         Today, I  learn Corpus Linguistics; concordance. Corpus is a large collection of texts. It is a body of written or spoken material upon which a linguistic analysis is based. The plural form of corpus is corpora. It’s very important  to use in Language teaching. Concordance is a list of the occurrences of a word or phrase in a corpus, given in the context of the sentence it occurs in. I search words or phrases in BNC or corpus leeds. Corpus leeds is more comfortable than BNC  because I can use this corpora from the internet without user login and easy to understand. Concordance lines are the lines of sentences that show when I search a single word. For instance, I search the word ‘ good’ , there are many concordance lines will show the word ‘ good’ in sentences. I can see the differences of this word in each sentence. At the same time , I see the pattern of each sentence , what the left word or right word of the word that I search for. Especially , If I know what word or phrase that I can use with corpus, I will appreciate use them to make sentences or teaching English. One of data analyze program which I learn in this class is Antconc . It is a large data analyze program that consist of various types of data and finished complex is a part of the package without needing to buy software. I can create  corpus with myself , finding data that I interested in from the internet.Then, I copy all data from many websites and  I save them as notepad.If I want to check the number of words,I open the antconc program by open file directly and it will show number of all words.It’s depends to find a single word, a phrase, one word or another, wildcards in words, and wildcards as words. I also learn Thai National Corpus (TNC )using that the standard of language data is collect into the computer.I can get the information  that will be use as the representative of Thai in current.For example, I search the word ‘นิรนัย’ ,it will show 36 TOT and use it as noun more than verb. I can use this word in sentences in Thai because there are differences meanings of this word. So, I have to learn and understand  another words in English-Thai and Thai – English translation together.